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How does the program work?

The First Step is to Register
Designate someone as the school coordinator and register your school by clicking on the red registration button at the top. However, School Walk for Diabetes is not available in all areas. If you do not see your area listed when you click the registration button, please consider participating in Community Walk to Stop Diabetes.

What happens after I register?
After you register, you will be contacted by an American Diabetes Association School Walk staff person, who will provide you with all the tools you need to get started, including collection envelopes and thank you gift flyers for each student.

When and where is the School Walk held?

Can we honor a student or teacher with diabetes?
YES! We encourage individuals with diabetes or those personally impacted by diabetes to serve as School Walk for Diabetes ambassadors. Their personal experience and enthusiasm help to engage the rest of the school community in the event.  If you want a student to be your school's ambassador, please be sure to have permission first.