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Bethesda Elementary, Durham, NC

Students at Bethesda Elementary worked hard this year to learn more about diabetes. With the help of teachers Erica Curry and Milton Little, school staff and students alike made School Walk for Diabetes an educational success.

When ADA representative Kelli Zwickle-Cheek arrived at Bethesda Elementary, it was clear that many of the students knew people affected by diabetes and were concerned about them. But the students wanted to know more about the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, so Kelli taught classes to educate them even further. One student enjoyed the class so much that she asked to do an Independent Research Project on diabetes.

During Bethesda's SWFD campaign students continued their diabetes education with the help of the educational SWFD lessons. Fifth graders educated other students about the importance of good nutrition and physical activity by making posters with diabetes facts for the hallways. Bethesda's SWFD coordinators, Erica and Milton, also incorporated diabetes into the school's annual talent show. Erica asked students to present diabetes information and Milton shared his personal connection with diabetes. Sadly, Milton lost two family members to diabetes-related complications, and he was able to share photos of them before and after they had diabetes. His story really resonated with the Bethesda school community.

Even though SWFD is over at Bethesda Elementary, some students are still choosing to walk during recess. When asked why they are still walking, the answer is simple: they want to prevent diabetes.